26 MIllion
individuals benefitting from the APFP-FO4A program
154 business plans
approved, funded, and implemented
154 commodities & enteRprises
received investments
USD 6.1 million
invested in Farmers’ Organizations’ business enterprises
The Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Program (APFP) – Support to Farmers Organisations for Asia (FO4A) aims to contribute to an enabling environment for rural poverty reduction, through instrumental support to rural smallholders and their organizations in the Asia and the Pacific region.
The objective is that by the end of the program, farmers organizations (FOs) are professionally capacitated to provide sustainable demand-driven (business and technical) services to their members and engage in effective policy dialogue for the improved livelihoods and incomes of smallholder farmers/producers in the region.
The program benefits around 26 million individuals–of which 9.8 million are women and 5.6 million are youth.
Growing together; Sustaining communities; Empowering farmers’ collective development
APFP-FO4A is implemented in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and China
The program is formed by a USD 3 million grant (APFP) from the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), a USD 2 million grant (ARISE) from the Rural Poor Stimulus Facility of IFAD, and a USD 8 million co-financing
(FO4A) from the European Union.
The program is implemented by the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) in consortium with La Via Campesina (LVC) together with various national farmers organizations.
We engage in various activities together with our partner farmers’ organizations to achieve our goals

We nurture innovative strategies to ensure food security and sustainable farming practices in the face of a changing climate

We promote a shift away from conventional, input-intensive farming practices towards more holistic, agroecological approaches that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet

We work to shape effective policies that nourish sustainable growth, innovation, and resilience within the agricultural sector

We help capacitate individuals and communities to work together to achieve shared economic, social, and environmental goals

We cultivate opportunities, skills, and voices to foster gender inclusivity and drive sustainable farming communities and we build inclusive pathways for the next generation, fostering leadership and sustainable farming for a brighter tomorrow

We bridge experience and innovation to foster a thriving community of informed farmers and sustainable practices
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We work with millions of small scale family farmers and their Farmers’ Organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, helping them grow their livelihood

Central Asia
Agriculture in Central Asia is characterized by a diverse range of crops and livestock production across the countries in the region. The region’s agriculture has historically been influenced by its climatic conditions, including arid and semi-arid landscapes, as well as its nomadic traditions and Soviet-era agricultural practices. Efforts to address challenges and adopt sustainable practices are essential for the sector’s future viability in the face of changing conditions.

East Asia
East Asia has a long history of traditional farming practices, and its agricultural sector has undergone significant changes over the past few decades, driven by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and globalization. Despite the advances made in East Asian agriculture, the sector still faces numerous challenges, including environmental degradation, water scarcity, and labor shortages. However, these countries are taking steps to address these issues through sustainable agricultural practices, the use of advanced technologies, and investments in research and development.

South Asia
Agriculture in South Asia is the cornerstone of livelihoods for millions, deeply interwoven with the region’s cultural fabric. The fertile lands of the region sustain a rich tapestry of crops, from rice and wheat to pulses, vegetables, and fruits. Smallholder farming is predominant, reflecting a blend of traditional wisdom and modern techniques. The sector grapples with population pressure, land fragmentation, and climate variability. Innovations in irrigation, crop varieties, and sustainable practices help address these issues, fostering food security and economic growth.

Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia boasts a rich agricultural heritage, characterized by the cultivation of staple crops such as rice, along with a wide array of tropical fruits, vegetables, and cash crops. The dynamic interplay of traditional and modern farming methods, combined with unique agro-ecological conditions, shapes the agricultural tapestry of Southeast Asia. This intricate blend contributes to the region’s food security, economic growth, and cultural identity, while also facing contemporary challenges such as sustainability, climate resilience, and equitable resource distribution.

The Pacific Islands
Agriculture in the Pacific Islands is a blend of tradition and innovation, reflecting the unique landscapes and cultures of these remote and diverse islands. The sector revolves around staple crops like taro, yams, and coconuts, deeply
ingrained in local diets and customs. Challenges such as limited land, vulnerability to climate change, and market access barriers are met with efforts to promote resilient farming practices, introduce new varieties, and improve
infrastructure. With a focus on preserving traditional knowledge and embracing emerging solutions, Pacific Islands’ agriculture aims to forge a path toward sustainable development, ensuring a resilient food supply and fostering vibrant
island communities.