Farmers organizations (FOs) under the AFOSP-MTCP2 program participated in the 8th ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum held at the Prince Palace Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand on 26-27 February 2019. Representatives from ACEDAC as well as development partners also attended the forum.
During the forum the participants exchanged and shared experiences in cooperative promotion and the success of marketing cooperative products; visited two successful agricultural cooperatives in Ratchaburi, Thailand and learned from their experiences; and established cooperation among cooperatives in ASEAN, leading to sustainable development for the benefit of cooperative members.
Products of FOs such as coffee, honey, sugar, rice, and coconut were exhibited and sold during the forum.
This year’s ACBF themed “Enhancing the Competitiveness of Cooperative Products in the Market and Cooperation among Cooperatives in ASEAN Countries” was hosted by the Cooperative Promotion Department (CPD) of Thailand.

- Learning Visit to Nongpho Ratchaburi Dairy Cooperative
- Learning Visit to Baan Rang Si Mok Ratchaburi Agricultural Cooperative
- Enhancing Cooperation among Agricultural Cooperatives in ASEAN
- Forum boosts cooperation among ASEAN agricultural cooperatives
- ASEAN Foundation Facebook post
- ASEAN Foundation Facebook post
- 8th ACBF Facebook Page
AFOSP-MTCP2 is a capacity building program funded by the European Union with co-financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The program is being implemented in seven ASEAN countries through the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC). AFOSP-MTCP2 supports the strengthening of national farmers’ organizations (FOs) and their national platform towards improving their institutional capacity to deliver economic services to their members as well as to effectively engage them in policy processes. At the ASEAN level, the consortium AFA – LVC works in partnership with the ASEAN Foundation in expanding the spaces for the engagement of FOs in ASEAN processes.
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