Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API)/Indonesian Farmers Alliance
Location: Jl Kelapa Merah No. 2 RT 15/02 Utan Kayu Selatan, Matraman, East Jakarta 13120, Indonesia
Contact Person: M. Nuruddin, Secretary General
Phone/Fax: 62-21 8567935
Mobile: 62-813 3434 4808

Established in 2003, the Aliansi Petani Indonesia has members from local farmer organizations in 14 provinces in Indonesia. It envisions farming communities of men, women, and youth that can be happy as well as free from starvation and structural poverty, living in justice and prosperity, developing its agricultural tradition and culture, and where farmer households have access and control over land, seeds, water, livestock, and sustainable value chain. It aims to empower its members through education and economic, political, social, and cultural strengthening of farmers; struggle for equitable land ownership of farmers; fight for the protection of the law and the rights of farmers, especially access to production tools; strengthening the solidarity between farmers organizations and building a collective strength among sectors for the realization of genuine agrarian reform and rural development with justice.

Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI)/Indonesian Peasant Union
Location: Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV no. 5 – South Jakarta 13120, Indonesia
Contact Person: Zainal Arifin Fuat, Chairman of the Department of Foreign Affairs
Phone/Fax: 62-21 7991890/62-21 7993426
Mobile: 62-813 11 55 365
Twitter: @spipetani

The Serikat Petani Indonesia was established in 1998 in the context of numerous peasant struggle against capitalism and land grabbing in Lepan River, Sugapa, Java and Silau Jawa in North Sumatra, and Cimacan, Badega, Kedung Ombo in Central Java. The peasant communities realized the importance of building farmers’ organizations at local, regional, and national levels to help them fight for their rights and provide direction to the Indonesian peasant struggle. It works for the realization of genuine agrarian reform and food sovereignty that brings prosperity and justice to all Indonesians. Its mission includes empowerment through education and economic, political, social, and cultural development for farmers; struggle for an equitable system of land ownership of peasant; fighting for the law and rights of peasants, and; strengthening of the solidarity between farmers organizations and actors for the realization of genuine agrarian reform and food sovereignty with justice. Its programs and services include: facilitating cooperative production and distribution of input providers; school of agroecology and seeds development; paralegal education for agrarian reform; advocacy for completion of agrarian cases, and; filing for judicial review and feedback for agriculture and agrarian reform policies. It has around 1,000,000 farmer and fisher members.

Wahana Masyarakat Tani dan Nelayan Indonesia (WAMTI)/ Indonesian Farmers and Fishers Society Organization
Location: Jl. Griya Cinere II Blok 49/8, Cinere-Depok 16514, Indonesia
Contact Person: Agusdin Pulungan, President
Phone: +62.21.7538110
Mobile: 08119184101
Twitter: @ifso_wamti

The Wahana Masyarakat Tani dan Nelayan Indonesia was established in 1994 as Indonesian Farmers and Planters Foundations and was renamed in 1998 as Indonesian Farmers and Fishers Foundation. It was reformed as a Community-Based Organization called Indonesian Farmers and Fishers Society Organization. It envisions itself as a central organization of farmers and fishers to struggle for their basic rights. Its mission is: to unite farmers and fishers to influence policy at the local, national, and international for the farmers’ and fishers’ welfare; to struggle against policies that harm farmers and fishers in Indonesia; implement advocacy and empowerment; to represent farmers and fishers in the government and non-government forum at the national, regional and international levels, and; to establish cooperation with government agencies, NGOs, institutions/international organizations, businesses and others to improve the livelihood of farmers and fishers, among others.

Aliansi Petani Indonesia Badan Penunggu Rakyat Perjuangan Indonesia (BPRPI)/Board Watchers Indonesian People’s Struggle North Sumatra

Established in 1979 by Afnawi Noeh, the Aliansi Petani Indonesia Badan Penunggu Rakyat Perjuangan Indonesia aims to uphold the rights of indigenous peoples to manage natural resources inherent to the customary rights of indigenous lands and demand recognition of government/state of the existence of Indigenous People Watcher to manage lands and natural resources. It operates at the provincial level and has a membership of 40 Communities Indigenous People Watcher. Its programs and services include advocacy training, seminar in indigenous registration territory, training on community organizing, and financial training.

Himpunan Nelayan Serluruh Indonesia (HNSI) – Banten/Regional Council – Indonesian Fisherment Assocation – Banten
Location: Jln. Raya Sayabulu No. 101 Dalung Kel. Serang Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Indonesia
Contact Person: Drs. H. Sabrawijaya, Chairperson, MM / Herman Sutedjo Ismail, SI, Secretary
Phone/Fax: 62-254 218541 | Mobile: 62-859 2003 2005
E-mail: /

Established in 1967 in Jakarta, the Himpunan Nelayan Serluruh Indonesia aims to improve the life and welfare of Indonesian fishermen in particular, and the Indonesian people in general based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, 1945. HNSI serves to collect and move the entire potential of Indonesian fishermen towards national development especially in the field of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Its programs and services include collective enterprise groups and mangrove reforestation. It has 35,000 members from Banten province.

Ikatan Petani Pengendali Hama Terpadu (IPPHTI)/Integrated Pest Management Farmers Association of Indonesia
Location: Mandunang I, Margoluwih Village, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Contact Person: Kustiwa Adinata, Secretary General
Phone/Fax: 62-274 7492047 | Mobile: 62-812 398 953

The Ikatan Petani Pengendali Hama Terpadu was formed in 1999 from village-based groups in 11 provinces that were organized under the IMP FFS program in the 1990s. Today, it is spread over 16 provinces (154 districts). It is independent in decision-making, including financing. Its vision is that of ecological agriculture, while its mission is to empower farmers and to promote farmers’ rights. Its programs and services include the provision of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, alternative livelihood, home industry, and mangrove deforestation, fishing equipment, fish farming ponds.

Serikat Petani Pasundan (SPP)/Pasundan Farmers Union
Location: Jl. Raya Samarang No. 108 A Tarogong, Garut, Indonesia
Contact Person: Denny Saputra
Phone/Fax: +62 262 231849 | Mobile: +62 853 1027 9194

The Serikat Petani Pasundan was established in 2000, though its history can be traced back to the 1980s. Its name has been synonymous with the peasant movement and the agrarian reform in the districts of Garut, Tasik, and Ciamis. Its vision is that of a social order based on the principles of political economy and human values, justice, and dignity. It aims to develop members as agents of change as a pioneer for improvement in each region, including improvement of the welfare of their economic, political, and social lives; build active participation in the creation and implementation of political policies, especially at the village, sub-district and district; and, maintain the environment and ecosystems in a fair, viable and sustainable manner.

Serikat Petani Paguyuban Qaryah Thayyibah (SPPQT)/ United Society of Farmers Qaryah Thayyibah
Location: Jl. Jafar Sodiq 25 Kalibening Tingkir, Salatiga, Indonesia
Contact Person: Ruth Mutiarsih Subodo, Chairperson
Phone/Fax: 62-817-253-591 | Mobile: 62-818 459 087

Established in 1999, the Serikat Petani Paguyuban Qariyah Thayyibah envisions an Indonesia with a new civilization based on agriculture to form a fair and prosperous society for farmers and Indonesian people. It aims to achieve a strong farming community that can manage and controls all the available resources and their full potential in accordance with the principles of fairness and justice, environmental sustainability, and the adequate relationship of men and women. Its objectives include maintaining and managing village resources; fair ownership and control over land; environmentally friendly agriculture; economic empowerment of farmers; and fulfillment of the basic rights of farmers’ children, youth farm regeneration, strengthening women farmers. It is present in 11 districts and has 120 circles, 669 farmers’ groups, and 16,348 family farmers.

Sekretariat Pelayanan Petani nan Nelayan – Hari Pangan Sedunia (STPNHPS)/
Secreterariat Services World Food Day Farmers and Fishermen

Location: Tegalgendu KG II 50/XI Prenggan, Kotagede, Yogyakarta 55172, Indonesia
Contact Person: Ronny Novianto, Director
Phone: 62-274 380 776 | Mobile: 62- 81328897483

Established in 1990, the Sekretariat Pelayanan Petani nan Nelayan – Hari Pangan Sedunia aims to undertake the development of sustainable rural development through sustainable agriculture and fishing as contained in the Ganjuran Declaration. It promotes cultivation and consumption patterns based on principles that respect and protect the integrity of creation – environment friendly (ecologically sound); economically feasible/viable; appropriate/culturally rooted; and social justice. Its programs and services include entrepreneurial counseling, loans, marketing products; linking youth with employers, universities, other non-governmental organizations according to local needs (quality assurance, funders, other training institutions, etc.); and sustainable aquaculture extension and training, internal training and control system of Participatory Guarantee System.

Koperasi Hanjuang/Hanjuang Cooperative
Location: Jl.raya Rangkasbitung KM 04 Sabitangtu, Perumahan Mandiri Asri Blok C No. 2 RT 02/06 Desa Bangkonol, Kecamatan Koroncong, Kabupaten Pandeglang – Banten, Indonesia
Contact Person: Eman Sulaeman, Chairman of the Regulatory Body
Phone/Fax: 0253 5213988 | Mobile: 0812 8935 9092 / 0253 206042

The Koperasi Hanjuang was established in 2012 by several farmer groups, members of Forest Honey Farmers Group Ujung Kulon (KTMHUK), and a wild honey marketing agency. Hanjuang Cooperative is a production and marketing cooperative, currently with one outlet unit in urban areas in Pandeglang. Its vision is “increasing mutual prosperity based on sustainable ecology”. Its mission is to build and expand the market network, promote and improve members’ product quality, and protect the environment. Its programs and services include forest honey marketing, improvement of quality of forest honey production, development of derivative products, expansion of KTMHUK members in 3 villages, and home repairs store honey.

Organisasi Perempuan Tani dan Wanita Pedesaan Indonesia (PUANTANI)/ Indonesian Women Farmer & Ruaral Women Organization
Location: Jln. Raya Ciekek Masjid II No. 26 Rt. 02/02, Kec. Majasari, Pandeglang, Banten 42211, Indonesia
Contact Person: Lani Eugenia, Secretary General
Phone/Fax: 62-21 70217625 | Mobile: 62-852 171 907 50
E-mail: /

Initiated by WAMTI (Indonesian Women Farmer and Fisher Society Organization), the Organisasi Perempuan Tani dan Wanita Pedesaan Indonesia was established in 2012 as an autonomous organization of women farmers and rural women towards empowerment. Its mission is to: organize women farmers and rural women; enhance the capacity of women farmers and rural women through adequate education, training, sharing experiences and exchange of research, consultation, etc.; enhance the participation of women farmers and rural women in government or non-government for, at national, regional and international levels; develop research and study activities with a view to supporting the improvement of women farmers’ and rural women’s social and economic position; and engage with various stakeholders with a view to holding meetings among women farmers, rural women, governments, and other parties through dialogue, seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. Its programs and services include facilitating consultation on rural women enterprise, advocacy in rural advisory services, facilitating an innovative financial system, and utilizing agricultural and fish waste.

Serikat Nelayan Indonesia (SNI)/Indonesian Fishermen Union
Address: Jl. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5 South Jakarta 12790, Indonesia
Contact Person: Budi Laksana, General Secretary
Phone/Fax: 62 21 7991890/ 021 7993426 | Mobile: 0813 1971 6775
E-mail: /

Serikat Nelayan Indonesia is a traditional fishing organization established in 2007 in Bali, which was a national consensus of Indonesian traditional fisherfolks who traveled a long journey of consolidation process at the village level and province–regency in North Sumatra, the northern coast of Java, and Sulawesi. It aims to build solidarity and unity among the traditional fishermen’s organizations in order to advance social justice in fairly economic relations, food sovereignty, sovereignty over marine and coastal resources, and the preservation of traditional fishing methods that are environment-friendly. Its programs and services include Judicial Review Act No. 27 of 2007 on the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands; rural community education; gender education, and; savings and loans.