A SARS-like virus COVID-19 (formally known as 2019-nCoV) has emerged over three months since its outbreak in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. As of 26 June 2020, over 84,000 people in China had contracted the coronavirus. The pandemic has severely affected the economy of China.

On 4 March 2020, the State Council released a circular to simplify approval proceedings to encourage enterprises to resume work and production. The circular proposed a draft of policy measures to facilitate business resumptions across the country and lift unreasonable management and control measures for both personnel and logistics.

Amid the pandemic, AMI, the APFP partner in China, implemented initiatives to help farmers respond to the challenges presented by the pandemic.

Through the use of new media such as Public WeChat Account and Headline Account of China Farmers’ Cooperatives, a Letter of Initiative to the National Farmers’ Cooperatives is actively forwarded to the cooperatives, which advocated for cooperatives to give full play to their organizational advantages and actively participate in the fight against COVID-19.

They also collected and publicized the good practices of farmers’ cooperatives participating in the village level in the fight against COVID-19.

Moreover, agricultural product supply information collection posters are issued through new media. They collected more than 16,000 farmers’ cooperative products including vegetables, fruits, livestock, aquatic products, and other categories of supply information data from more than 20 provinces.

Furthermore, they conducted a series of open classes with the theme of “how to deal with agricultural products in the face of emergencies”. They invited agricultural products e-commerce experts, fresh channel business executives, representatives of outstanding cooperative directors, etc. to give the online open speech and classes, and also to carry out interactive exchanges with the representatives of farmers cooperatives.

They also launched the “Fight against COVID-19 to help farmers” campaign. The “Fight together, all walks of life to help farmer” activity zone has been fully online through the new media of Today’s Headline. These platforms provide agricultural products trading varieties, quantity, price, origin and contact information, and other production and marketing information.

Furthermore, they promoted the county leaders to join the online live broadcast for the promotion of their local agricultural products. Shaanxi Province Mizhi County, Yunnan province Yuanyang County and more than 10 county leaders have participated in the whole process of helping farmers live broadcast.

They also help the affected area in terms of logistics, such as providing a cold chain for transportation ASAP.


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