The economy of Bangladesh is dependent on agriculture as well as farmers. Population is increasing day by day here; on the other hand cultivable land is decreasing. As a result modern technologies are being adopted for ensuring more production. Some of these technologies have brought positive results while some have brought negative also. Some technologies have turned as serious threat to our biodiversity and environment.

There are some eco-friendly modern technologies which can increase our agricultural production without any harm. COAST Trust is trying to promote some of these technologies in its working area, the coastal area of Bangladesh. COAST is implementing a development program named Coastal Integrated Technology Extension Program (CITEP) from its own fund. COAST is spending about BDT 4 million per year and managing this fund from its surplus of progressive micro finance operation. There are 23 field staff who are working directly with the farmers for promoting the technologies and So far, about 5000 farmers have been brought under different COAST agriculture services.

COAST is working in the following ways:

  • Providing training and awareness
  • Providing required finance
  • Creating linkage with government service providers
  • Providing technical services free of cost

COAST is working to promote the following agriculture technologies in the coastal areas:

  • Sex Pheromone: Killing Enemies, Saving Friends, Saving Environment
  • Leaf Color Chart Increasing Production and Reducing Demerits
  • Porous Pipe: Saving Cost, Increasing production and Saving the World
  • The Maria Model Way of Finding and Preserving Quality Seeds
  • Guti (Granular) Urea Ensuring Higher Yield

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