Anissa Lucky Pratiwi, Indonesia Country Programme Facilitator, said that the IFAD will work more closely with farmer organizations in the country during a meeting last January 21 with representatives of farmer organizations in Southeast Asia and China who were in Jakarta for a training activity under the MTCP2 program.

Following the example shared by Vietnam on FO cooperation with IFAD program, Pratiwi has expressed willingness to look at the possibility of also having one with FOs in Indonesia.

Nguyen Thi Viet Ha of VNFU shared their experience of working with IFAD country programs in Vietnam during the open forum that followed Pratiwi’s presentation.

“We work closely with IFAD in Vietnam and it helped a lot that we have signed a memorandum of agreement,” said Nguyen.

Zainal Fuat of SPI and La Via Campesina, however, noted that IFAD and the government of Indonesia continues to refer to “farmers’ groups,” in their projects.

“The correct term to use is ‘farmers’ organizations,’” Fuat said.

IFAD Indonesia is currently implementing 3 major projects such as the National Programme for Community Empowerment in Rural Areas Project, the Smallholder Livelihood Development Project in Eastern Indonesia, and the Coastal Community Development Project.


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