(By SPI) JAKARTA. Recognition, respect and fulfillment of human rights of farmers to agrarian resources increasingly sidelined. Indonesian Farmers Union (SPI) recorded at least 143 conflict occurs throughout the year 2014, of which 29 agrarian conflicts that come to the surface and into the public spotlight and 114 cases were still raging at the grassroots. Victims of violence and abuse of 90 people, and 89 farmers criminalized by law. Overall the conflict has driven thousands of families from agricultural land which they defends. Click here to read the report in English

(By SPI) JAKARTA.  Pengakuan, penghargaan dan pemenuhan hak asasi petani terhadap sumber-sumber agraria semakin dikesampingkan. Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI) mencatat setidaknya terjadi 143 konflik sepanjang tahun 2014, di antaranya 29 konflik agraria yang muncul ke permukaan dan menjadi sorotan publik dan 114 kasus yang masih berkecamuk di akar rumput. Korban kekerasan dan penganiayaan berjumlah 90 orang, dan 89 orang petani dikriminalisasi secara hukum. Secara keseluruhan konflik tersebut telah mengusir ribuan kepala keluarga dari lahan pertanian yang mereka pertahankan. Click here to read the report in Bahasa


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