Vientianne capital, Laos – The Lao Farmer Network (LFN), the national implementing agency of AFOSP-MTCP2 in Laos, conducted a multi-sectoral partnership meeting involving the private, public, and producer including smallholder farmers in the country in Vientianne capital, Laos on 30 January 2019. The meeting aims to establish opportunities for partnership between different sectors in order to promote domestic production.

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That there is a market is what Mr. Bounthieng, Manager of Mueang Lao company, wants to let producers know. “Based on my market survey, Lao supplies over 7 tons of spring onion per day to Vientianne capital. I just recently signed a contract with the Thongmang producer group. They can supply only 100 kilograms a day. Aside from Thongmang, I also signed a contract with the Bungphao group. We will harvest in a few days,” he said.
If farmers get organized and are able to supply good quality crops in the needed volume by private companies, would companies like to partner with them? Mr. Thudthep of CP Lao company affirmed and said that this is what they want–to buy directly from the farmers without the middleman because middlemen only make their investment higher.
After the discussion, the participants had opportunities to have a focused discussion with their prospective partners. As a result of these discussions, Paek Organic Vegetable Cooperative agreed to supply 50 kilograms of spring onion per day to Mueang Lao company, while Hoi Cooperative signed a contract to supply 150 kilograms of spring onion, 100 kilograms of coriander, and 280 kilograms of cabbage per day to the same company.
The accomplishments of the Public-Producer-Private Sector Partnership Meeting included forging partnerships between farmers and the private sector, marketing mechanisms, support for organic and sustainable farming, and promotion of Lao agricultural products to decrease the importation of products from the neighboring countries as part of supporting the Lao government’s development goals. From these, the participants are thankful to have participated in the event which they conveyed as very useful for all sectors present.
“This event is very useful. It should be held on a regular basis. It helps farmers to see the opportunity to access the markets directly without middlemen. Farmers will gain more benefits through this, and they will be sustainable. Instead of being afraid of the market, now farmers know that there is a big market,” Mr. Bounthieng added.
“Producers met with the private sector directly so they are informed on the domestic market demands,” said Mr. Suthep of CP company. “We now have a better understanding of production problems in Laos. We will see how we can help develop Lao produce so we can grow more in the future,” he added.
Ms. Sonthaya of Mulberry silk shop also expressed thanks to the organizers of the event. “I never participated in such an event before. I learned many things from this meeting. Now I know the faces of producers and their needs. We now understand how we can help the producers,” she said.
Mr. Khammoun, President of LFN also thinks that the meeting has been successful and meaningful. “I don’t think there is such an event like this before. After this, farmers will have more confidence in production because they met with buyers,” he said.
Mr. Sipaphai, Deputy Director-General of DTEAP, said “Farmers have opportunities to access markets and inputs. From the government side, we understand the need for policies to support farmers.”
The multi-sectoral meeting was conducted back-to-back with LFN’s Annual Meeting on 31 January 2019 which recorded150 participants. During the meeting, there was also a knowledge management and product fair where local success stories and good practices were exhibited and shared and FOs products including rice and vegetables were exhibited and sold. These activities were conducted with support from the AFOSP-MTCP2 Program.
AFOSP-MTCP2 is a capacity building program funded by the European Union with co-financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The program is being implemented in seven ASEAN countries through the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC). AFOSP-MTCP2 supports the strengthening of national farmers’ organizations (FOs) and their national platform towards improving their institutional capacity to deliver economic services to their members as well as to effectively engage them in policy processes. At the ASEAN level, the consortium AFA – LVC works in partnership with the ASEAN Foundation in expanding the spaces for the engagement of FOs in ASEAN processes.
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