Selling Agricultural Products through Facebook Shop
4 October 2021 | 14:00 GMT+8 Manila | Zoom
Register at https://bit.ly/farmerfbshop
When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, many countries imposed lockdown, strict guidelines were implemented on borders, transportation stopped, many establishments and businesses closed, and many people lose their jobs. The once busy world was put to a halt. However, food production cannot be paused. Farmers and food producers were on the frontline in the fight against the pandemic. They continue to cultivate to make sure people have food to eat. The farmers carried on with their important responsibility of feeding the world. However, they are also most affected by the pandemic.
The lockdowns resulted in the closure of transportation and markets. During the first months of the pandemic, much produce went to waste because there were no markets to sell them to. Many initiatives by individuals and private groups and NGOs on selling fresh produce surfaced online. Eventually, food producers started to navigate online platforms to sell their produce.
As we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, we adapt to the “new normal”, which includes having to do things virtually or online.
One of the most popular platforms online for many years now is Facebook. What started as a social networking site targeting the young people has evolved into an indispensable “marketing tool by businesses, government, and all types of organizations, primarily because it has gained popularity among the general population with people from every demographic and the fact that it is free (https://extension.psu.edu/, 2016).
The COVID-19 situation may still keep a majority of the population in lockdown or isolation, however, this does not mean that they are not reachable. Various online platforms can be utilized to reach markets, and agribusinesses can take advantage of these.

This webinar aims to:
- Provide a venue for sharing of good experience and practices of FO’s/cooperatives in marketing farmers’ products through Facebook or other online platforms including challenges, investments, learnings and outcomes, and recommendations
- Help FO’s/Coops develop and design Facebook shops that will help link farmers’ products to buyers and consumers
- Provide feedback and recommendation to improve the existing FFB Shop
Target Participants
- FOs/Coops/private initiatives who have used Facebook or other social media platforms in marketing and selling farmers’ products
- FOs/Coops who are planning to set up and develop their own Facebook Shops
- Supply and Marketing Staff of FOs/Coops
- Managers and Leaders of FOs and Agri Cooperatives
- Shop administrators of Facebook shops
- Youth leaders of FOs and Agri Coops
The webinar is organized by the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC) through the Asia Pacific Farmers Program (APFP) which is financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
This webinar will be in English.
Zoom Registration
Live streaming
This event will be streamed live through the Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Forum Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AsiaPacificFarmers.

Overall facilitator: Amir Islam, Operations Manager for South and Central Asia, AFA
Time (Philippine Time) | Activity & Speakers |
2:30 – 3:00 pm | Video showing, webinar protocol, poll |
3:00 – 3:10 pm | Opening Message Jose Romeo Ebron Cooperative Development Manager, AFA |
3:10 – 3:50 pm (10 minutes each) | Farmers Organizations’ Experiences Chintanaphone Keovichith Lao Farmer Network (LFN), Laos Eric Ladrera KAMMPIL Agricoop (Kalipunan ng Maliliit na Magniniyog sa Pilipinas), Philippines Lani Eugenia WAMTI (Wahana Masyarakat Tani dan Nelayan Indonesia), Indonesia Meena Pokhrel Nepal Agriculture Co-operative Central Federation Limited (NACCFL), Nepal Bold Jargalsaikhan NAMAC (National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives), Mongolia |
3:50 – 4:00 pm | Open Forum Moderator: Juneliza Pandela, Business Development Officer, AFA |
4:00 – 4:20 pm | Experiences from the Private Sector Aison Garcia and Ditsi Carolino Veggies for Good, Philippines |
4:20 – 4:30 pm | Open Forum Facilitator: Leo Mendoza, Business Development Officer, AFA |
4:30 – 5:10 pm | Info Session on How to Set-Up a Facebook Shop Irish Dominado, Communication and Visibility Officer, AFA |
5:10 – 5:30 pm | Plenary Discussion on Setting-Up and Improving Farmers Facebook Shop Facilitator: Bernie Galang, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, AFA |
5:30 – 5:40 pm | Synthesis and Ways Forward & Closing Jose Romeo Ebron, AFA |
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