MTCP2 Southeast & East Asia SRIA, 20 Jan 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia

Representatives of farmer organizations in MTCP2-covered countries in Southeast & East Asia are in Jakarta, Indonesia for a four-day re-orientation and training program on monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, and financial management.

The activity is one of the recommendations from the IFAD supervisory mission conducted last year to evaluate the first year of implementation of MTCP2.

The objectives of the training are as follows:

(1) Generate deeper appreciation and clearer understanding of the tools related to MTCP2 financial management and monitoring and evaluation.

(2) Improve skill in actual use of MTCP2 tools for narrative and financial reporting at all levels – national, sub-regional and regional.

(3) Enhance coordination among implementing agencies based on clearer understanding of roles and functions and use of harmonized project tools and system.

It is organized by the consortium of AFA and La Via Campesina, which acts as regional implementing agency of MTCP2, as well as sub-regional implementing agency for Southeast Asia, and hosted by Indonesia FO platform composed of SPI, API and WAMTI.

Participating FOs are FFF (Philippines), CFAP (Cambodia), VNFU (Vietnam), AFFM (Myanmar) LFN (Laos), as well as representatives from China FOs.

A representative from the ASEAN Foundation attended the first day to observe and explore ways of supporting FOs further.

Funding support comes from IFAD and SDC.

MTCP2 Southeast Asia FOs undergo M&E, Finance and KM training


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