YANGON, MYANMAR – One hundred eight (108) farmers organizations representatives from Yangon, Bago, Sagaing, Magway, Chin, Shan, Kachin, Kayin regions/states along with members of the Parliaments, officials from the Agriculture Department, NGOs, and MFVP as well as affiliate members of CTUM, the IWFM, BWFM, MTF, FWFM attended the Farmers’ Forum held at No. 1 Corner of Myittar & Thakhin Pho Hla Gyi Road, Yangon, Myanmar on 15-16 November 2019. The forum was organized by the Agriculture and Farmers Federation of Myanmar (AFFM), the national implementing agency of the AFOSP-MTCP2 Programme in Myanmar.

During the forum, there was Panel discussion regarding the challenges in agriculture in Myanmar; how to improve and move forward for the development of agriculture in Myanmar. FO leaders, officials from the government research department and Centre for Economic and Social Development actively participated in the discussion. During the discussion, questions and answers were exchanged between the participants from different sectors followed by group discussions that led to knowledge sharing among the attendees. At the end of the program, AFFM came up with a Statement from the forum.

This forum was the first time members of the Parliament had attended an event organized by AFFM. They expressed how they were impressed by the outcome of the Forum. Now that they are aware of what AFFM stands for as well as of the challenges and obstacles the FO members face, they are willing to hold further meetings with AFFM to discuss the development of sustainable agriculture.

During the two-day forum, AFFM, CTUM and other NGOs distributed pamphlets and booklets containing knowledgeable information that can benefit the rural farmers. ###


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