Twenty participants attended the Business Skills Training held at Sky Hotel, North Dagon Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar on 24-25 August 2019. Fourteen of the participants are female and six are male and all of them belong to the youth sector (under 35 years old). Click here to view more photos
The training course intended to provide the participants with a step-by-step guide / process of establishing a business plan and make them think through the different aspects of their business idea. It is also intended to provide them with simple tools to run their business, particularly a simple record-keeping system.
The training was designed to equip the participants with practical business skills in an effective yet fun way and at the same time inspire an integrated understanding of business, their community, and the environment. Furthermore, the activity aimed to help build healthy and thriving communities.
The trainers used methods such as playing games and storytelling to define the basic knowledge required to operate a small scale business. Trainers and facilitators introduced new topics and skills and gave the participants sufficient time to absorb these.
To practice their newly learned skills, the participants were given exercises. In some of the activities, they were divided into smaller groups so they can discuss their ideas among themselves and later shared these to everyone.
From the training, the participants learned about generating business ideas, creating a business plan, creating a cash flow budget, taking and repaying loans, keeping business records, choosing a marketing strategy, using a balance sheet, and managing a business ledger. By the end of the training, the participants learned how to plan and prepare to run a successful business.
This activity was organized by the Agriculture and Farmer Federation of Myanmar with support from the AFOSP-MTCP2 Programme.
AFOSP-MTCP2 is a capacity building program funded by the European Union (EU) with co-financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The program is being implemented in seven ASEAN countries through the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC). AFOSP-MTCP2 supports the strengthening of national farmers’ organizations (FOs) and their national platform towards improving their institutional capacity to deliver economic services to their members as well as to effectively engage them in policy processes. At the ASEAN level, the consortium AFA – LVC works in partnership with the ASEAN Foundation in expanding the spaces for the engagement of FOs in ASEAN processes. ### (Photos by Ye Kyaw Thu)
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