Ganesh Kunwar is the chairperson of the Poultry farming Association of Nepal and a secretariat member of the NIA MTCP2 program in Nepal. He participated in different training programs organized by MTCP2 and his organization has received some funding from the program.
Ganesh has a poultry farm near Kalanki, Kathmandu municipality. He started the farm with an initial investment of 2 lakhs–money he received as a grant through the government’s youth self-employment scheme. Initially, he was involved in small scale poultry farming, but gradually, by increasing his investment, he earned more profit from this farming.

The Poultry Farm Association chaired by Ganesh has achieved various incentives from the government of Nepal. The government is set to provide an additional 70% compensation of the amount provided to poultry farms that were hit hard by the bird flu epidemic. In 2018, the government distributed more than Rs 500 million as compensation based on the Bird Flu Disease Control Order-2006. As per the initial provision, compensation was fixed at Rs 130 for chickens that were more than six weeks old, Rs 50 for chicken less than six weeks, Rs 250 for parent stock broiler, and Rs 500 for parent stock layer. Likewise, the compensation amount was fixed at Rs 100 for one kilogram of chicken meat, Rs three for an egg, and Rs 10 for each kg of feed. Now the compensation amount is increased by 70% and it will be redistributed among the affected areas.
In addition, ANPFA, the MTCP2 NIA in Nepal, helped facilitate the provision of insurance by insurance companies to poultry farmers affected by bird flu. Now, Nepal bimaSansthan and Shikhar Insurance Company Ltd. (SICL) provide insurance coverage for various agricultural activities such as livestock cultivation, poultry farming, fishery, paddy, vegetables, and fruits farming, etc. against the risks of disasters such as fire, earthquake, flooding, landslide, storm, diseases, insects infestation, etc.
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