Pagbangon is On: 2021 KLMPE Video Contest on Building Back Better of Family Farmers
in the midst of Pandemic
Theme: “Building back better towards resilient, inclusive and sustainable rural development”
1. Post a two to three-minute video (of any approach/type; can be a vlog, TikTok video, music video, etc. preferably in landscape orientation) in your social media account. Make sure that the video will provide the following:
- Short introduction about your organization;
- Best practices, innovations, or practices that you did to build and bounce back from the effects of the pandemic in the agricultural sector; and
- A message of encouragement to other fellow family farmers to also build and bounce back
2. In the video posting, include your video title and a brief description of what the video is about. Don’t forget to add the hashtag (insert final hashtag) and make the posting public.
3. After posting, send the video file (preferably in the mp4 format) to undff.pap4ff@gmail.com and asiapacificfarmers@gmail.com with the e-mail subject as “KLMPE 2021 Video Entry”. Please include the name of your organization and the title of your video entry in your e-mail message.
4. Encourage your Facebook friends to react and share your video entry! The number of reactions and shares will be included in the game criteria, along with its relevance to the KLMPE 2021 theme.
5. Wait for the announcement of winners during the KLMPE 2021 Event on December 10, 2021.
Members of family farming organizations (FFOs) and farmer cooperatives/organizations in the Philippines
- Grand prize: P15, 000
- First runner up: P10, 000
- Second runner up: P5, 000
The selection of winners will be based on:
- 50% from the panel of the judges who will look at each entry’s
- Relevance of the video message to the KLMPE theme
- Concept and delivery
- Creativity and quality
- 50% from the number of reactions and shares of the video posting
The contest will be opened on November 22, 2021, and will end on December 6, 2021. The contest winners will be announced during the KLMPE Event (Day 2) and will be posted on the KLMPE Facebook Page.
By submitting the video, the owners of the video grant KLMPE the right to use their names, photographs, statements, quotes, testimonials, and video submissions for non-commercial promotional purposes without notification or further compensation
The owners of the video grant KLMPE the right to use, reproduce, distribute, perform, and/or display the video without further compensation or notification to the owner
KLMPE maintains the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or exhibit the video for non-commercial promotional purposes on their website, at conferences, or at any other venue.
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