By Renato Llorin, Philippine Farmers’ Forum, MTCP2

Nine (9) national federations representing the Steering Committee of the Philippine Farmers Forum (PhilFaFo) have committed to participate in the upcoming Knowledge Learning Market (KLM) of IFAD which will focus on the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF). The PhilFaFo has been included in the Technical Working Group (TWG) organizing the KLM-IYFF events, with Mr. Mauro Llorera of AMMA- KATIPUNAN and National Program Coordinator Mr. Renato Llorin attending the TWG meetings. The PhilFaFo has opted to participate in two key activities during the two-day event — the Interactive Learning Exhibit and the Policy Engagement Sessions.

For the learning exhibit, the PHilFafo will set up three booths – one to highlight the status of coconut farmers in the light of the Coconut Levy Advocacy Campaign, another to focus on fisherfolk and the advocacy for fisherfolk settlements, and a third to showcase sustainable agricultural products of PhilFaFo members.

For the policy sessions, the PhilFaFo will participate actively in the sessions on Asset Reform, Enterprise Development, Climate Resilience and Young Farmers by sharing real life family farming experiences of its members. PhilFaFo will also directly co-manage the session on Governance which will focus on the engagement of farmer organizations with government and illustrate how their advocacy can be conducted more effectively and sustainably.

The KLM-IYFF will be held sometime in November 2014 immediately before the international closing ceremonies of the IYFF in Manila.

For more information, contact:

Renato Llorin (


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