photo of news re sa srsc meetingThe first South Asia Sub Regional Steering Committee meeting was held on 18-19 July 2014 at the Malla Hotel in Kathmandu, Nepal, where representatives of the National Implementing Agencies (NIAs) of the Medium Term Cooperation Program Phase Two (MTCP2) from Nepal (ANFPa), India (SEWA), Bangladesh (Coast BD) and Sri Lanka (MONLAR) met to share updates and clarify issues on on program implementation.

Representatives from the Regional Implementing Agencies (RIAs) AFA and La Via Campesina and the Sub Regional Implementing Agencies (SRIAs) in Southeast Asia (also AFA and La Via Campesina) and the Pacific Islands (PIFON) also attended to share knowledge and experiences with FOs from South Asia.

The meeting was preceded by a public form in the morning of July 18, where South Asian small and marginal farmers, fisher folks, indigenous, dalits, landless, women farmers, pastoralist, herders and other small food producers met to discuss their common agenda and formulate strategies to push for them.

Along with the member representatives of various farmers’ organizations and networks affiliated with MTCP2 South Asia, other regional organizations such as La Via Campesina South Asia, World Forum for Fisher folks, Food Sovereignty Network South Asia were also invited, as well as renowned researchers, academicians, and other actors from the agrarian movements.

The event was hosted by the All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANFPa), which is the NIA for Nepal and also the SRIA for South Asia.

A meeting of the SRIAs was also held on August 20, as well as a meeting with IFAD representative Thierry Benoit on August 21.

Click on the links below for relevant documents:

MTCP2 SA SRSC Concept and Program

Country Reports:

NIA Report from Nepal (ANFPa)

NIA Report from India (SEWA)

NIA Report from Bangladesh (Coast BD)

NIA Report from Sri Lanka (MONLAR)

FO Engagement in Public Programs:

FOs and the GAFSP in Nepal

FOs and the ADSF in Nepal

FOs and the IYFF in Nepal

Presentations from RIA and SRIAs:

RIA Presentation (SEAC – AFA LVC)

SRIA Presentation (SEAC- AFA LVC)

SRIA Presentation (Pacific – PIFON)


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