Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in most if not every country in the region. Agricultural output in Southeast Asia has increased significantly since 1970. There are wide variations in this growth across the region, with the greatest gains in Malaysia and Thailand. The dominant form of agriculture in the region is wet-rice cultivation. Where conditions permit, two crops typically are planted each year.

Southeast & East Asia is a region of impressive cultural, environmental, and agricultural diversity. Much of the region is mountainous, and there is a broad range of temperatures from tropical in the lowlands to temperate in the highlands. There is also a broad range of topographic conditions, from flat alluvial valleys and coastal plains in the lowlands to undulating terrain, hills, and mountains in the uplands and highlands. Most of the region is in the humid tropics, but there is great variation in the distinctness and duration of the dry season. Most of the land is now under agriculture.

Much of Southeast Asia is blessed with fertile volcanic or alluvial soils. Such areas, particularly the river valleys, have high human populations. Many of the mountainous areas have been dominated by forests until recent decades, but they are rapidly being transformed to agriculture as a consequence of logging and the movement of expanding human populations into land available for farming. Some areas of Southeast Asia have extremely poor soils. Until recently, most of those areas were forested and had small human populations, usually practicing shifting agriculture. Commercial logging and colonization projects are now transforming the landscape in many of those areas to agriculture.

Asian Farmer’s Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)
Location: Quezon City, Philippines
Ma. Estrella Penunia (Esther), Secretary General
Maria Elena Rebagay (Lany), Policy Advocacy Officer –

La Via Campesina (LVC)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Henry Saragih –
Zainal Fuad –

MTCP2 covers the following countries in this region
