Village Festiva 2016; Farmer members and network of API describes the products produced by rural farmers and members of the API.
Village Festival 2016; Develop The Rural Economy As The Core Economy Of Indonesia
API (Indonesian Peasant Alliance) participated again following the 2016 Village Festival Village Festival held in Campgrounds Ragunan Jakarta on 28-30 October 2016, hosted by the Indonesian Society cry (PIB). This activity themed “Attaching Taste, Mobilize the Economy Village”, followed by various organizations of farmers, the farming community in the countryside, NGOs supporting rural community urban community that cares both from Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, etc., as well as the private sector and educational institutions and colleges.
On the basis of this was later Mr. Muh Nuruddin Secretary General of API confirms that the spirit of participation API in a village festival in 2016, because the village festival can be used as space for
remind food and rural policy direction so that always makes people / food producers subject is no longer an object, in accordance with the spirit of Food Sovereignty and Build from the sidelines. On the other side the village festival is able to provide comprehensive information about the food situation and our rural today. Also provide a place for urban consumers to recognize and get a complete picture, who produces their food and where it comes from.
“Village Festival 2016 can also become a means to re-learn and feel the meaning of the village for himself and the people of the city. Besides the village festival is able to be a space where food producers, as well as other creative economic activities in rural areas can show their works directly to consumers in the city “, he said. Mr. Muh Nuruddin also added that the activities of the village festival can also be used as space to get to know the wealth of food and other economic activities conducted by our food producers, especially small farmers in the villages.
The same thing also expressed by Mr. Tejo Wahyu Jatmiko as national coordinator PIB, which says that the village festival this year in addition to the exhibition of products produced by rural communities
in the form of food and crafts, this festival also presents a discussion and interactive talk show that can be followed by the end of the festival as a place of learning for all people, especially people of the city that the village is at the core of the Indonesian economy.
“This festival is also filled various competitions, including the rural nature panorama drawing and writing competitions picturesque using local characters who hoped to be followed by festival visitors, especially children.”, He said.
In this festival there are also several messages that arouse attention to food through some writing on storefronts and trees around the site, written as “Local food nutrient rich”, “He said food sovereignty, but flour locally was also given incentives”, “Healthy consumption, healthy family “and” Shape your body with local food “.
In this opportunity, the participation of the API in this village festival, is also used to promote and market products API members of Ujung Kulon Banten and West Java Indramayu. Products in the form of forest honey and processed chips and brownies KWT (Women Farmers Group) Sabah juhut Pandeglang, Banten also showcase their API, in addition to the organic rice from Indramayu also showcase their API. (FW)
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