Farmers’ Organizations and Civil Society Organizations in Cambodia propose the following to mitigate the effects of climate change on smallholder farmers:

  • Develop a replanting program and small-scale irrigation system and climate change awareness-raising program at the local level
  • Increase national funds for climate change (for replanting and forest protection)
  • Support the utilization of environmentally friendly materials for packaging products
  • Provide incentives for organic agriculture
  • Minimize or give tax exemption for agricultural inputs
  • Develop policies for women farmers and young farmers

Watch the Focus Group Discussion conducted by the Farmer and Nature Net (FNN):

We Are Watching is a monumental eye, made up of thousands of portraits contributed from 190 countries. It flies high above cities on a flag the size of a 10-story building. Raised at key climate events to hold leaders accountable as they decide the future of our planet, its message is crystal-clear: the eyes of the world are upon you. Artivist Dan Archer’s globally participative work first flew at Madrid’s COP25 UN Climate Change Conference. Its ongoing mission is to take the eyes of the world around the globe. Know more about this campaign at

The We Are Watching campaign is supported by the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), the Asia-Pacific Farmers Program (APFP), and the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF).

For more information, go to


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