To mitigate the effects of climate change on smallholder farmers, Roy Ribo of KAMMPIL Philippines highlighted three main pushes of the Farmers Organizations action plan at the local, national, and global levels.
- Establish Farmers’ Empowerment and Climate Resiliency Trust Fund. Push for a farmer’s resiliency and empowerment trust funds where member states and the United Nations will utilize only the interest-earning of the trust funds. This will not only be for the Philippines but also with the goal of helping family farming organizations to be more resilient at the global level. The local farmers are at the frontline in this calamity and the battle for resiliency is at the ground level. Our local farmers are the ones experiencing the impact of the worsening climate change.
- Establish Farmer Impact Investment Fund. Push for an impact investment fund for our farmpreneurs. These are for our farmers, fishermen, and cooperatives who are working hard to harness technology and innovation with the goal of building a client-resilient and sustainable agricultural business.
- United Nations partnership with Global Farmers Forum. Push to institutionalize partnership with family farming organizations.

Watch the Focus Group Discussion conducted by the KAMMPIL Agricoop on 5 August 2021 via blended mode:
We Are Watching is a monumental eye, made up of thousands of portraits contributed from 190 countries. It flies high above cities on a flag the size of a 10-story building. Raised at key climate events to hold leaders accountable as they decide the future of our planet, its message is crystal-clear: the eyes of the world are upon you. Artivist Dan Archer’s globally participative work first flew at Madrid’s COP25 UN Climate Change Conference. Its ongoing mission is to take the eyes of the world around the globe. Know more about this campaign at
The We Are Watching campaign is supported by the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), the Asia-Pacific Farmers Program (APFP), and the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF).
For more information, go to
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