I am Trần Minh Ngọc, a young farmer born and raised in Gia Phu, Gia Vien, Ninh Binh, Vietnam.
For many generations, our agriculture has depended heavily on nature. At present, climate change is increasingly evolving, making farmers suffer its consequences. Through this letter, I would like to propose some solutions.
The Party, State, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development should pay more attention to agricultural production, promote the development of organic agriculture and green agriculture. Focus on spreading information, encourage farmers to use organic fertilizer and bio-products, organize training courses on transferring science and technology to raise awareness on environmental protection, and change outdated and ineffective farming practices. In addition, invest in field traffic, planning, and upgrading irrigation systems to ensure proper irrigation. Continue to change the structure of crops and animals, improve product quality, and stabilize the output for the product to avoid the ‘good harvest devaluation’ situation of many existing agricultural products.
If the above suggestions are soon implemented synchronously and effectively, I will actively propagate them among my hometown farmers to encourage them to be involved as well.
Trần Minh Ngọc
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