Prepared by Laila Superable
Rubas Bangon Integrated Farmers Association

Lawot-lawot, also known as balikutos, is a traditional dish showcasing various mountain vegetables, including taro leaves, fern leaves, sweet potato leaves, red spinach leaves, aibika leaves, and wild mushrooms. Comprised solely of vegetables and coconut milk, this dish is proudly vegetarian.

In earlier times, lawot-lawot was a common staple among locals, and the elderly fondly recall how these nutrient-rich vegetables contributed to the strength and vitality of their communities. As the pace of modern life quickened, these wholesome vegetables gradually faded from memory.

To rekindle the legacy of this local cuisine, the women members of RUBIFA (Rubas Bangon Integrated Farmers Association) have taken the initiative to reintroduce and promote the consumption of these valuable vegetables.


  • Taro leaves, knotted
  • Wood Flower, locally called “kurapdok”
  • Wild mushroom
  • Chayote/Vegetable pear
  • Okra
  • Bitter gourd
  • Young Fern leaves, locally called “pako”
  • Red spinach leaves
  • Aibika leaves
  • Sweet potato leaves
  • Green pepper
  • Chili leaves
  • Onion leaves
  • Coco Milk


  1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
  2. In a pan, boil an amount of water enough to cook the ingredients.
  3. Once the water starts to boil, put the taro leaves into the pan.
  4. Add the wood flower (kurapdok) and the wild mushroom.
  5. Pour the coco milk over the slightly cooked taro leaves, wood flower, and wild mushroom.
  6. Immediately put in the chayote/vegetable pear, okra, bitter gourd, young fern leaves, red spinach leaves, aibika leaves, and sweet potato leaves.
  7. Stir to mix all the ingredients with the coco milk. Then let the coco milk boil until all the ingredients are cooked.
  8. Lastly, put the green pepper, chili leaves, and onion leaves. Let it cook for one minute, enough to absorb its flavor.

The “Women Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition: Forgotten Foods Cooking Contest” is organized by the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC) through the Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Program (APFP) – Farmers’ Organizations for Asia (FO4A) and Assuring Resiliency of Family Farmers (ARISE). APFP-FO4A is supported by the European Union (EU) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). ARISE is supported by IFAD.

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