My name is Charlie Balico, a young farmer chairman of PAMANAKA, Philippines.

In the Philippines, the average age of farmers is 57. Perhaps, 20 years from now, we will run out of farmers because our young people are not interested to engage in farming. Young people perceive a life of poverty in farming due to the low income it generates, in addition to being tedious and boring for some people. These people do not realize that farming is the key to development and food security in the future. It is in this view that I suggest for the government address this issue to provide motivation and inspiration for young farmers to engage in farming activities.

As a young farmer, my suggestion to the Department of Agriculture Secretary and lawmakers is to pass a bill that will provide a subsidy of PHP 5,000.00 for qualified young farmers to be used for buying farm inputs. This bill can be a way to attract more young farmers to agriculture and we can encourage more young people to plant, plant, and plant.

Charlie Balico


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