Homemade Barley Flour
Prepared by Tseveenjav and Basan

National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives (NAMAC)

Across Mongolia, diverse ethnic communities have upheld the age-old tradition of preparing barley flour within their households. In Western Mongolia, the Khoton ethnic group, residing in Tarialan soum, Uvs province, have long embraced the use of barley flour in their everyday cuisine. Renowned for its health benefits, barley flour is celebrated for its potential to enhance immunity, contain anti-cancer properties, promote cell regeneration, and even serve as a remedy for constipation.


  • Barley
  • Water


  1. Get a wooden mortar pounder, softened goatskin, and a stone hand mill.
  2. Pound the raw barley and add a small amount of water to clean and peel the chaff.
  3. After pounding, the wet barley needs to be transferred to another dry pot. Let it be blown by the wind to separate the barley flour from the chaff and residues.
  4. Next is to fry the cleaned barley in a pre-heated pot.
  5. Once the barley turns brown, take it out from the hot pot and spread the fried grains, and let them cool.
  6. Once the grains have cooled down, start milling to make the flour.
  7. Store the milled flour in a softened goatskin bag decorated with patterns. These bags are useful for the long-term storage of flour. If you want to use flour during a long trip and keep it fresh, you can add some curd to the bagged flour. Also, when carrying flour for a long trip, you can cook sheep’s tail and mix it with flour. It is high in calories and supports the immune system and is very rich in nutrition.

The “Women Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition: Forgotten Foods Cooking Contest” is organized by the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC) through the Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Program (APFP) – Farmers’ Organizations for Asia (FO4A) and Assuring Resiliency of Family Farmers (ARISE). APFP-FO4A is supported by the European Union (EU) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). ARISE is supported by IFAD.

More info at https://asiapacificfarmersforum.net/forgotten-foods-cooking-contest-for-women-farmers/


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