Pumpkin Seed Fritters
Prepared by Narayani Mondal
Institute for Motivating Self Employment (IMSE)

Pumpkin seeds, a widely enjoyed snack, find their way into a myriad of recipes, including various baked goods. Rich in protein, healthy fats, and an array of essential minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and potassium, these seeds are a nutritional powerhouse. In this particular recipe, we harness the flavorful potential of pumpkin seeds to craft delectable fritters, ideal for a satisfying snack.


  • Pumpkin seed paste
  • Onion
  • Chili
  • Mustard oil
  • Salt


  1. Mix chopped onion and chili with mustard oil.
  2. Add salt to the mixture.
  3. Mix in the pumpkin seed paste.
  4. In a pan, put some mustard oil for frying.
  5. Take some of the mixtures and put them into the pan to fry. Once it turns brown (takes around 5 minutes), the pumpkin seed fritter is ready.

The “Women Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition: Forgotten Foods Cooking Contest” is organized by the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC) through the Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Program (APFP) – Farmers’ Organizations for Asia (FO4A) and Assuring Resiliency of Family Farmers (ARISE). APFP-FO4A is supported by the European Union (EU) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). ARISE is supported by IFAD.

More info at https://asiapacificfarmersforum.net/forgotten-foods-cooking-contest-for-women-farmers/


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